
Showing posts from August, 2020


 Last year when the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman visited Pakistan on a 4-day diplomatic tour he was escorted by the PM of Pakistan Imran Khan who turned a chauffeur for the Prince to the place where the latter was going to reside. Looking at that moment the Twitterati army went crazy by both criticizing and a few praising the moment. Many experts believed that this photo was proof for the deepening ties between the two countries who are also powerful members of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and even the Saudis maintained good relations with Pakistan since the South Asian country has a minority of Shiites. But all the claims of deep ties came to a still recently when Riyadh asked Islamabad to repay some of the amounts of loan which was given to them .   The  loan  was part of a USD 6.2  billion  package announced by  Saudi  Arabia in November 2018, which included a total of USD 3  billion  in  loans  and an oil credit facility amounting to USD 3.2  billion. Th